
Firstly, we recommend using Virtualbox to create and run the testbed environment. Upon installing Virtualbox, you need to create a virtual machine that hosts an appropriate distribution of Linux with minimum requirements of 1GB RAM and 20GBs of disk space. For this we recommend obtaining and installing Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS.

Secondly, upon installing Linux you will need to install the Xen hypervisor and a collection of dependencies using the following command as the root user:

$ sudo apt-get install gcc-7 g++-7 gdb make unzip xen-hypervisor-4.9-amd64 xen-system-amd64 xen-tools xen-utils-4.9 xen-utils-common xenstore-utils xenwatch

Optionally you can setup the default alternative for your local GCC compiler for convenience using the following command:

$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-7 50 && sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-7 50

Finally, you need to setup your workspace directory for compiling and executing Stardust. For this you would need to clone the Stardust repository into your preferred workspace directory using the following commands for example:

$ cd workspace
$ git clone

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